It later happens to Tenma, who was running from the police at the time.Though Tenma does manage to save his life. While talking to his girlfriend he steps out backwards into the road only to be hit by said prison van in a manner far more real than he could have intended. In Monster an incarceree's brother practices a Flopsy routine on a road while awaiting the prison van transporting Tenma and the aforementioned.An episode of Nurse Witch Komugi parodies this by having the title character hit by a car in the first scene and spending most of the episode as a ghost, then come Back From the Dead and get roadkilled again, revived and flattened about half a dozen times back to back.In fact, it was the inspiration for the Excel Saga incident mentioned above.
Magical Princess Minky Momo being run over by a truck whose driver was trying to dodge another kid who was in the streets (and her show not immediately ending) has become infamous among anime fans. That totally wasn't her fault, though, since the driver that hit her either was apparently an idiot who can't tell the difference between red light and green light, or was driving too fast for the snowy/icy conditions and couldn't stop. Akiko in Kanon is hit by an SUV near the end, but survives thanks to Ayu's miracle. In the very first episode of Excel Saga, Excel gets hit by a bus while prancing home from her high school graduation, and the Great Will of the Macrocosm has to resurrect her. She was fatally hit by a car as she ran into the streets into a panic while trying to dodge a bunch of jealous girls, who had begun to bully her for dating a local rock star. Pictured above: In Haunted Junction, Kazumi Ryoudou once was possessed by the ghost of Hanako-chan, a teenage girl who died like this. OIRAN CHIRASHI MANGAPARK SERIAL
Being hit by a car and especially by a truck is so jarringly and hilariously common in anime, there have been many memes and even entire video compi lations featuring "Truck-kun", aka "Japan's N☁ Serial Killer". The incredibly dangerous roads in Fictionland might explain why Jaywalking is considered as serious as Murder and Arson. Can sometimes be averted by a Heroic Sacrificial Diving Save. The reason why you never see people looking both ways, by the way, is because film crews generally have to close off streets on which shows are filming, so cars aren't going to go past unless the director or the writer wants them to.Ĭan invoke Diabolus Ex Machina and/or a Shocking Swerve if done particularly suddenly. If the victim is "lucky" they might just honk (might). Interestingly, the driver almost never slows down (if they try, they will brake so hard that their wheels lock up and they end up not slowing down anyway) and never swerves, even if the person was in the street long enough for them to react. Remember, folks, you were taught in elementary school to Look Both Ways before crossing the street! The guy who left his common sense behind in the heat of the moment is Killed Off for Real to provide Anyone Can Die shock value. Often it seems the vehicle was moving pretty fast for the road it's on. Without warning, a bus or car wheels in from the side of the frame and slams into him, crushing his bones into the dust of death. A character runs across the street without checking for oncoming vehicles, usually because of someone chasing him or something.
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